Education of saunatherapy

Education of saunatherapy is a hole new education of the traditional treatments. Our purpose is to increase the use of traditional sauna, as in the self care, and also in the therapy use. There is a hole new possibility to have new occupation in the service sector, or to increase the joint use of different therapies. Education takes one and a half year.

Education of saunatherapy is divided into independent periods. When first period is completed, the trainee can proceed to the next period.

The study program contains also independent study of the basics of medical science (anatomy, physiology and pathology). All rights reserved during the course.

During the education,  there are remote works to complete and also group works. In the end of saunatherapy education trainee must complete a final project.

The educators to saunatherapy are Mervi Hongisto and Merja Pihlajamäki. They have also published a book which is a learning book for saunatherapy education and entertaining nonfiction book about finnish sauna.

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